Mathnasium of Simpsonville tells us how they celebrate the success of their students

Nov 15, 2023 | Simpsonville

Q: How does Mathnasium celebrate its student's success?

A: The brag board is the biggest way we celebrate student success. When a student comes in with a math grade they are proud of, we post their assignment or a sticky note with their name and assignment, and we hype them up! Students then get to choose where their sticky note goes. We even have pictures of students with mastery checks they are proud of posted as well!

Q: Tell me about student’s reactions to having their work on the brag board.

A: Students get excited to put a sticky note on the brag board, which will sometimes encourage others to bring up their good grades as well.

Q: What kind of work gets put up?

A: We put up anything that a student is proud of. Most often students share 100% on a mastery check from the center, an A for a test or quiz grade from class, and end of quarter grades.

Q: Do you have a favorite memory of the Brag Board?

A: My favorite Brag Board memory is when a mom came in talking about how much their student had improved on their math and confidence! I wrote a sticky note with the proud moment on it and handed it to the student to put on our board. The student lit up and bounced over to the brag board to place her accomplishment.

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