Mathnasium Participates In 3000 Acts of Kindness Event

Jan 11, 2022 | SLP-Edina

In December, Mathnasium of St. Louis Park-Edina participated in “3000 Acts of Kindness”, an event organized by Coated in Love. Coated in Love’s mission is “to provide hope, help and resources to the homeless community in the Twin Cities.  [They] believe by providing basic necessities, [they] are also offering people love, dignity and respect, regardless of their circumstances.” 

We are very proud of the Mathnasium students who donated their rewards cards and raised over $3000 for this great cause.

One of our students, Jayden, donated more than two years’ worth of his rewards cards, an act so generous the event organizer Danielle Igbanugo, stopped by to personally thank him, and everyone else who donated. She and her team were blown away by the generosity and love shown by our students.

Also, we are excited that our Mathnasium center (one of seven locally) and its students combined to donate 300 backpacks, filled with winter coats, hats, and toiletries to this event.

One of Mathnasium of St. Louis Park's  principles is “Be good at math. Do good with it.” These kids did a lot of good!