Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments Results and Mathnasium's Mission

Sep 7, 2021 | SLP-Edina

"The Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) released test results Friday from the state’s Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCAs), showing steep drops in student proficiency in reading and mathematics.

Learning loss in math was greater than in reading, which aligned with national trends, and was more prominent among Minnesota students of color."

These statistics are concerning. However, we at Mathnasium believe we can help all children succeed in math.

We are a math-only learning center. We offer individualized learning plans, tailored to meet your child's needs, by filling in any learning gaps.

"Mathnasium students have shown significant increases in performance on standards-based tests in 20 sessions or fewer, the equivalent of just a few months’ work."


Before your child enrolls with Mathnasium, s/he takes a comprehensive assessment, which helps us better understand the child's learning gaps and math knowledge, and create a learning plan for math success.

Want to learn more? Sign your child up for a FREE trial session, and discover how Mathnasium can help your child succeed in math, and in life!