A message about update masking guidance

Mar 3, 2022 | Snoqualmie Valley

This week, Governor Jay Inslee announced that the statewide indoor mask mandate will lift at 11:59 p.m. (midnight) on Friday, March 11, instead of March 21. King County announced that it plans to follow the same timeline.

The first our center instructional day with masks optional will be Saturday, March 12. After the mandate is lifted, our students and staff can choose to wear a mask at our center if they prefer and we will support them if they choose to do so. Until that date, masks are still required for all students/parents, staff, and visitors in the Mathnasium Learning Center at Snoqualmie.

Thank you for your continued flexibility and understanding as we continue to navigate and support the changing requirements together.

We at Mathnasium of Snoqualmie will still conduct In-Center sanitation practices include:

  • Emphasizing hygiene standards, including the importance of hand washing and hand sanitizer usage
  • Implementing additional cleaning protocols and using disinfectants on all common surfaces
  • Asking guardians to keep/take home students showing cold/flu symptoms

For details, read the Governor’s press release here: https://www.governor.wa.gov/news-media/governors-newsom-brown-and-inslee-announce-updated-health-guidance