Our staff is built to teach each student individually, to develop the skills they need to thrive in mathematics, and to foster a love of learning.

Katie S

Katie is in the IB program at Central High School. As a sophomore, she took AP Calculus and is currently taking HL math at school. She is involved in various clubs including math team, Key Club, and HOSA. Katie also loves to read, swim, and paint in her free time. Her favorite math joke is: I had an argument with a 90° angle. It turns out it was right.


Alex attends Springfield Catholic high school. In his free time, he enjoys football, basketball, and tennis. He loves learning math and his favorite math topic is Geometry. His favorite math joke is: Parallel lines have so much in common… It’s a shame they’ll never meet


Donovan is a Senior at Ozark High-school. He is currently enrolled in Calculus and is a member of the Math Honor Society. He is currently in the A+ program and is taking dual credit classes to get ahead for college. His hobbies include playing football and basketball as well as watching movies. His favorite math joke is: How does a mathematician plow fields? With a pro-tractor!


Jesus Zavala enjoys learning about, working on, and teaching mathematics! He believes that building a strong foundation of math helps students tackle harder problems and challenges in math class along with science, technology, and engineering. He aims to help students build confidence, numerical fluency, and enjoy working math problems of any level.


John is working on his bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from Missouri University of Science and Technology, where he has a lot of leadership experience in organizations such as his fraternity, Pi Kappa Phi, and the campus Interfraternity Council. He has always loved math and is happy for the opportunity to help students understand math concepts. Some of his favorite hobbies include lifting weights and playing video games, especially nostalgic ones. Favorite Math Joke: Why did the chicken cross the Mobius strip? To get to the same side!


Matthew has a love of mathematics that runs deep. He has studied and tutored math for years. He worked tutoring students at OTC for approximately 12 years before coming to Mathnasium. Matthew's other passions include (but are not limited to) computer programming - especially large language model variants, playing music of all genres, and dogs. He has a unique skill to make complex mathematical topics easier to understand and brings the joy of math to students he works with.

Sarah Baker

Sarah Baker currently attends OTC for degrees in mathematics and education. In her free time, she enjoys spinning pottery and loves snuggling with my cat. Her favorite math joke is: Why isn’t Pi on Twitter? Because 280 characters isn’t enough to express itself.


Lydia is a junior currently attending Ozark High School. She is part of the National Honor Society, the student council, a state qualifying swimmer, as well as a member of the golf team. She plans to get an undergraduate degree in Psychology and then pursue a career in the legal field. She enjoys golfing, fishing, hiking, going to the lake, and other outdoor activities. Lydia loves math and academics and possesses a great skill that enables other students to enjoy them as well.

Herbert Rendon

Originally from Venezuela, Herbert has a PhD in physics with a specialized focus on seismic surface waves to infer the focal mechanism of earthquakes. He has worked internationally at numerous roles and continues to work with an international team with a direct focus on reducing the threat of a nuclear attack. Herbert has great mathematical skills. He takes the time to carefully explain the steps in each problem.

Our Mathnasium Mission

Teach children math so they understand it, master it, and love it. Math can change their lives, and they can change the world.

What I love about Mathnasium is the ability to teach problem-solving skills and make math make sense, while also making a student smile.
Amber W., Mathnasium Instructor

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