Does Your Child Need a Math Challenge? Mathnasium of Squirrel Hill Launches Advanced Math Students to New Heights

Jan 17, 2021 | Squirrel Hill

How many students are in your child's math class?

According to research, the average class size in North America is over 20 students per teacher.

In other words: 20 different different learning styles & 20 different learning speeds. Even with teachers performing their best, the child who needs a challenge may be overlooked. 

Lisa Van Gemert, of The Gifted Guru, says, 

"In general, we're going to have to realize that the dynamic of 'you're 8, so you're in 3rd grade', is silly"

(Some. kids. just. need. extra.).

Squirrel Hill Advanced

So, what does Mathnasium do to solve this "one-size-fits-all" math teaching issue for advanced students?

Glad you asked:)

Here are 3 ways Mathnasium of Squirrel Hill gives advanced math students what they need:

1.  We test our students to see what they already know and we don't cover the same ground  twice.  Instead, we build on it.

2.  We make age irrelevant and focus instead entirely on math competency.

3.  We swap out boredom for challenge

Advanced students need to be challenged to stay engaged.  When a concept is too basic, the student loses focus (and we can't blame them, either).  On the flip side, an advanced student will find himself/herself delighted in their learning.  Evette Kincer, mother of Jack (an advanced math student who found Mathnasium), reported, "His last report card was straight A's, and he actually enjoys math [at Mathnasium]".

Here's the takeaway

In a classroom of over 20, even the world's best teachers can't customize math for your child.  Some kids need to go more quickly, and some kids just need more. World, let's accept this.  The tutors at Mathnasium of Squirrel Hill are prepared to engage your advanced student today. 

Give us a call.