Dear Mathnasium of St Augustine Families:
We hope everyone is having a safe and healthy week. We wanted to take a moment and update you on our next steps as we kick-off our instruction via video conferencing through our Mathnasium of St Augustine @Home sessions.
For those new to our Mathnasium of St Augustine @Home instruction, please remember:
- @Home sessions must be scheduled. We will share details on how to do that. Please be sure your student signs in on-time for their session. If they sign in late, we are not able to extend their session’s scheduled end time.
- Students can schedule a maximum of three sessions per week.
- The session length is the same as your student would normally receive.
Scheduling @Home Sessions
- For the week of March 23, our team will schedule your students’ sessions. We feel for the first week, we will need to take this path to help ensure we get all of our students transitioned as smoothly as possible.
- After the first week, it is our intent that families will be able to schedule their own sessions through our website.
- In addition, for March 23 – March 26, we will begin our instruction at 1:00 p.m. We will re-evaluate for future weeks our plan as it relates to adjustments for our instruction hours.
Homework Help
Through the @Home platform, we are able to help your student with their homework and distance learning material.
- Prior to their session starting, please email us a photo or scanned copy of the assignment. You can send it to [email protected] please include your child’s name.
- If your student is doing work via an online resource, they can either send a screengrab or a screen share functionality that can be used.
We will provide additional tips in our next update regarding logging in for your sessions. The platform is very user friendly. We have no doubt you and your student will be able to quickly navigate it.
As always, thank you for being a member of the Mathnasium of St Augustine family. Please let us know if we can answer any questions.
Thank you
Jim Hughes and Staff