Pie Day Contest
Only applied for all students (1st grade to 8th grade) currently attending Upland Unified School District.
Pi is so beloved that it has its own holiday: Pi Day. Observed each year on March 14 (3.14), Pi Day celebrations honoring this important mathematical constant include “pi-themed,” circle-shaped food such as pizza, fruit pies, cookies, cupcakes, crackers, etc., activities featuring circular shapes, and pi digit memorization contests.
To help you and your child celebrate pi, we are inviting you to do Pie Day Contest with a Pi Day Word Search Activity. Click on the link below to download the document and start the fun.
Terms and conditions:
Only eligible for 1st to 8th-grade students who currently attend Upland Unified School District for the 2020-2021 school year.
We will raffle all the participants who are able to get at least 30 words correctly on the Pie Day Word Search Activity and the lucky 5 students will able to win an apple pie on March 14, 2021. Participants who do not go to UUSD will be disqualified.
Email the answer to [email protected] with student name, grade level, the name of the school, and phone number by March 12, 2021. We will announce the winner by March 13, 2021.