Instructor Spotlight: Quan Tran

Dec 1, 2020 | West Grove

At Mathnasium of West Grove, our instructors are dedicated to helping your students succeed in math! We've decided to post some new bios about our instructors. That way, we want you to get to know more about the instructors working with your students. Starting off, let's get to know one of our instructors, Quan!


Q: Hey Quan, great having you work with us! how long have you been working at Mathnasium?


I started in June of 2020, which is around 6 months now.


Q: Half a year already! Time truly flies. Where are you going to school and what are you studying?


I am a first-year at California State University Fullerton majoring in Business Administration with a Finance concentration.


Q: That's awesome that you're majoring in business! What do you plan to do with a business major?


I want to be some sort of finance consultant for businesses.  I had some interest in finance and decided to explore the business route.


Q: Have you had other jobs before working at Mathnasium?


Before Mathnasium, I worked as a food server at my high school cafeteria where my friends nicknamed me “lunch lady.” I also work as a high school AVID tutor where I assist the program in preparing students for college and career readiness.


Q: Working as an AVID tutor really must help you in teaching math! Do you have any favorite math concepts to teach?


I like teaching anything involving working with expressions and equations. The manipulation that is involved in these processes is infinite and is only limited by the person’s knowledge. As a result, it means that there is always another way to do a problem and there is more to learn even after the problem is solved.


Q: Thanks Quan. Let’s move onto some personal questions. What hobbies do you enjoy?


I enjoy playing online games with my friends like League of Legends and Valorant. I also spend a great amount of time watching anime and reading manga. Although I don’t do this as often as the other two, I enjoy hiking, camping, and other outdoors related things just as much.


Q: Those sound like some great hobbies. If you could own any animal as a pet, what would it be?


I would want a capybara because it’s giant, cute, and a land animal that could swim. It also feels like an animal from dinosaur times.


Q: One last fun question: Does pineapple belong on pizza?


Pineapple on pizza is a great combination. The acidity from the pineapple really helps break down the heaviness that comes with pizza.


Q: Now a final math question: Has working here made you think differently about math education?


I used to think that students who need help with math are the ones that are in advanced high-level math like calculus. However, after working at Mathnasium, I see that the ones most benefited from math tutoring are the younger students who are just starting to explore math.



Quan is just one of our incredible instructors who are dedicated to giving your student quality math tutoring both in person and online. At Mathnasium, we want to see your students excel at math and learn to enjoy it!