West Marietta Blog

What Can Mathnasium Offer An Advanced Math Student?

Apr 18, 2021 | West Marietta Blog

Does your student have unusual speed and accuracy while solving math problems? Can your student solve math problems in multiple ways? Does your student grasp math concepts and strategies quickly? Sounds like you have an ADVANCED MATH STUDENT! (Y..

Problem of the Week: October 19-23

Oct 23, 2020 | West Marietta Blog

Lower Elementary: Question:  Avery is making a fall scene collage out of paper shapes in art class. She cuts a piece of construction paper that is 10 inches long and 10 inches wide into 1–inch squares. Next, she cuts each square in half..

Problem of the Week: October 12-16

Oct 19, 2020 | West Marietta Blog

Lower Elementary: Question: Laura and Harold are repotting orchids. They plant 2 orchid plants in each pot. When they’re done, they have 3 rows of 5 pots of orchids. How many orchid plants did Laura and Harold repot? Answer:  30 ..

Problem of the Week: October 5-10

Oct 13, 2020 | West Marietta Blog

  Lower Elementary: Question: Lily has a number of 2-cup jello molds, a number of 3-cup jello molds, and 14 cups of jello. Which size mold should Lily use if she wants all of her jello desserts to be the same size without leaving any j..

Tips for Parents

Oct 13, 2020 | West Marietta Blog

The Covid Slide: Tips to Help Your Kids Succeed in Math Reverse the effects of school closures By Indi Nandhra, Mathnasium North Alpharetta Sep 28, 2020     Image credit: Mathnasium North Alpharetta The CO..

Problems of the Week: September 28 - October 2

Sep 30, 2020 | West Marietta Blog

Lower Elementary: Question: Ellie breaks open her piggy bank and finds a half dollar, two quarters, two dimes, a nickel, and two pennies. How much money does Ellie have? Answer:  $1.27 Solution:  Ellie has 1 half dollar worth 50&ce..

Problems of the Week: September 21 -25

Sep 27, 2020 | West Marietta Blog

Lower Elementary: Question: Grace has been keeping track of the sunny, cloudy, and rainy days over the past two weeks. She recorded 4 sunny days, 7 cloudy days, and 3 rainy days. How many more days were cloudy or rainy than sunny? Answer: 6 da..

Problems of the Week: September 14 - 18

Sep 22, 2020 | West Marietta Blog

Lower Elementary: Question: Natalie prepares 16 ounces of broccoli for family dinner night. Each of the 4 people in Natalie’s family eat the same amount of broccoli, and there are 4 ounces of broccoli left over. How many ounces of broccoli d..