Jan 15, 2022 | Yukon

A new year means a fresh start for a new semester.  No matter how the fall semester went, we can still make goals to end the school year the best we can.  Continue reading to learn how to make SMART goals!

Specific. Measurable. Achievable. Reasonable. Timely.

Specific. Measurable.  Goals that are too broad are difficult to meet and track how well you are progressing.  For instance, "learn more math" is too vague to measure progress.   A better goal may be to "increase math score a letter grade."  This is more specific and can be tracked to ensure your progressing.

Achievable.  Reasonable.  Just because a goal is specific and measurable doesn't mean it's the right one for you.  Goals should also be achievable and reasonable.  If a student has been consistently failing, a goal of making an A for the semester may not be obtainable.  A better goal may be to make sure they are completing all of their homework on time or attending tutoring sessions twice a week.  Goals should be reasonable and make sense!

Timely.  Don't forget to have a deadline in place so that the goal is timely.    Setting mini-goals along the way will also help keep you on track and make sure you are progressing.  And if your goal isn't met in your timeline, that's okay!  Reflect and make a new goal and try again.

If you need help setting educational goals for yourself or your child, give us a call.  Let's make 2022 a great year for learning!