Mar 20, 2019 | Santa Clara

Did you know that an ant can carry 50 times its own body weight? Or that ants (especially queen ants) live longer than any other insect? Ants are amazing! Have you ever wondered what it would be like if ants went to school?

This week we take that idea of ants going to school and use it as the basis for a fun word problem challenge! Practice elementary school math skills and middle school math skills such as fractions, multiplication, division, scale, and converting inches to feet as you solve this unique real world math problem!

Go ahead and check out the question below. Don’t stress, take your time, and be sure to check back tomorrow for the solution.

Question: An ant is 1/16 of an inch tall. A middle school student is 41/2 feet tall. The student goes to a learning center that is 54 feet tall. If we scale by height, then how tall would a learning center for ants be?



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