Fall Success Story Miss A

Aug 8, 2019 | Yukon

Miss A started her Mathnasium journey in May of 2017. At the time, she was in fourth grade, and had always loved math. She strives to be the best at whatever she sets her mind to, and math is no exception.

We asked Miss A’s parents how they felt when she first started Mathnasium.

“We were super excited. We enrolled her at the end of the school year hoping to keep her math skills sharp throughout the summer break.”

Although she was slightly behind when she joined, she quickly found herself catching up and enjoying math like never before.

“The Instructors are amazing. They make our girls feel welcome every time they come in and keep them engaged without making them feel overwhelmed or stressed.”

After only a few months, she was working on grade level, and now she is almost an entire grade ahead – and she is taking advanced math at school! We can’t wait to see what Miss A can achieve in her career in Math.

“We love Mathnasium and what they’re doing. She is much more advanced in her math skills because of it and she enjoys coming every time.”