Order of Operations and BEDMAS Explained

Apr 10, 2023 | Dundas

Order of Operations and BEDMAS Explained

By Mathnasium | Added Mar 15, 2023


Imagine this: You’re scrolling through Facebook, and a friend has shared one of those simple “Are you as smart as a 5th grader?” challenges.

4 + 3 x 2

It may look easy, but the answers in the comments are far from unanimous, being equally split between two answers: 14 or 10.

Some people are performing the operations as 4 + 3 = 7, then 7 x 2 = 14

Others are performing the operations as 3 x 2 = 6, then 4 + 6 = 10

Which is the right answer?

Mathematical problems with multiple operations follow an order. This order makes the math easy and reliable so that everyone will evaluate it the exact same way. Known as the order of operations, it allows us to tackle many different operations that may show up together in a single mathematical problem. An easy way to remember this rule is with BEDMAS.

B = Brackets
E = Exponents
D = Division

M = Multiplication
A = Addition
S = Subtraction

The BEDMAS rule reminds us to always start by solving the part of the equation in brackets, working from the innermost bracket outward. Next tackle the exponents. After that, solve the multiplication and division operations, working left to right. Finally, solve the addition and subtraction operations, working left to right. One way to remember the BEDMAS rule is with “Big Elephants Destroy Mice And Snails.”

Let’s practice together with an example:

2 + 3(8 - 6)

  1. Begin with the innermost brackets: 8 - 6 = 2 We now have 2 + 3(2)
  2. Having solved what was in the brackets, and having no exponents, our next step is to multiply 3(2), or 3 x 2 = 6, giving us: 2 + 6
  3. Our final step is the addition of 2 + 6, giving us our answer!

Answer: 8

Once you know the BEDMAS rule, you can use it to evaluate any expression with multiple operations! By the way, the correct answer to your friend’s Facebook math problem in the example at the top of this post is 10. Did you get it right?

Practice evaluating expressions using the order of operations BEDMAS rule with some sample problems on our free downloadable practice page and answer key below. Practicing this concept (and others) is the very best way to become comfortable and proficient in math. Once you’ve mastered one concept, the new material you encounter in middle school and high school will feel like a natural extension of what you’ve already learned, making new concepts that much easier.