2023-2024 School calendars for Saskatoon

Aug 2, 2023 | Saskatoon

Back to School info you'll want to have at your fingertips - looks like the first day for most students will be Tuesday Sept 5, 2023

SPSD Calendar link (K-12):  https://www.saskatoonpublicschools.ca/Schools/calendar/Pages/default.aspx#/=

GSCS Elementary school: https://media.gscs.ca/media/Default/medialib/elementary-calendar-final-copy-2023-2024.622ede15721.pdf

GSCS High School:  https://media.gscs.ca/media/Default/medialib/gscs-high-school-calendar-2023-2024.0d442915722.pdf


A reminder that Mathnasium is open during school breaks, but closed on stat holidays.
We look forward to working with you year-round including summers 

Instructional hours: 
Mon-Thurs 3:30-7:30
Sat 11am-3pm
closed Fri & Sun