After all of the holiday cookies and seafood at the beach (those little shrimp are so delicious!!) it was time for this Moose to get some exercise. Well....what to do. I got started by heading to the gym. It's as if people haven't seen a Moose on a treadmill. Who knew??? And forget even trying to use the pool or the sauna. With all that said, it was back to basics for this humble Moose. Back to nature for me. So I hopped into the truck (why do people keep looking at me) and headed to Friedrich park for a nice long hike. A stretch of the legs - four in this case - was what the day had in store. A beautiful day in a beautiful place was just what the Vet ordered. It was great to learn we have such a wonderful spot in our own backyard. I am looking forward to exploring some of the other hiking options within the region
in the months to come. Well that's all for now. Hope you are getting ready for the Spring and can enjoy some time outdoors. Just more math!!!
Your favorite Moose on the Loose..........Moostachio.