On The Road With Moostachio - January

Feb 1, 2018 | Boerne
Happy New Year from your favorite Moose.  All of that work up north was exhausting.  Reindeer don't listen and think they are the only four-legged creature that matters at Christmas.  Santa's helpers were a little tense to say the least.  The amount of toys that I had to carry around made me one dull moose.  So with all that in mind,  I made the only decision that any self-respecting Moose could make.........BEACH TIME!!!!!   There is nothing more that a Moose likes more than feeling that strong ocean breeze hitting them in the face (a possible exception is a swing set........have you seen the commercial.........I am going to be a star!!!!).  I wish you all could join me.......the feeling of the sand between my hooves is magical.   I will be checking-in again next month from wherever the journey leads. Have fun and remember...do more math!!
Your favorite Moose on the Loose......Moostachio