Math Help (and FUN) - Just in time for Valentine’s Day!
It’s that time again...February, the month of love, the month we celebrate Valentine's Day! So, how can you find ways to express your love and appreciation for the people in your lives? At Mathnasium, of course this will include the subject of math! We have witnessed firsthand that those who love and enjoy math are more successful in school and life. This is why providing math help to those in our community, in a way that truly makes sense to them, is so important to us. In fact, once understanding happens, we have even seen some that have come to love math!
The best math instructors understand that math, like love, is a universal language. As with all languages, you have to "practice" it a little bit every day. At Mathnasium, we strive to bring math into real world situations and give our students the opportunity to practice it every day in fun and engaging ways. So, this month, in honor of Valentine's Day, we would like to share this fun-loving math activity! Click the link below to download and print. We have included a page for lower elementary and a page for upper elementary.
Valentine's Day Math Activity
We hope you enjoy sharing this love of math with your students!