Q: What do you love most about working at Mathnasium?
Employee Answer: I love watching students understand a type of problem they struggled with when they first came in, and can now independently work on it on their own!
Q: What subject did you love most when you were in school?
Employee Answer: My favorite subject in school was sign language! It opened my eyes to what audism in the world looks like, and made me want to help others even more!
Q: What have you loved most about Mathnasium?
Student Answer: The tutors and the prizes (I really want that boba Squishmallow they have in center!)
Q: What have you loved most about Mathnasium?
Parent Answer: I love seeing my daughter being able to understand money and how it works. We learn from home, and when it's just us, I didnt even think to have money be a part of her math curriculum! She now is doing great with Money Sense (as Mathnasium calls it) and knowing her times! It's amazing that we can do this all at home as well!