The Rewards of Mathnasium of Cherry Creek

Apr 15, 2024 | Cherry Creek

Q: How has Mathnasium motivated your child?

Parent Answer: The rewards cabinet is an instant motivator for my child. As a result, their math grades have increased, their confidence not in only math but other subjects has improved, and it is no longer a struggle to get them to do their homework!

Q: What do you find rewarding about your child’s experience at Mathnasium?

Parent Answer: They want to come to Mathnasium! They enjoy the work, the one-on-one interaction with the instructors, and the rewards! Sometimes, they spend their cards immediately on rewards and other times, they save them up for bigger and better rewards.

Q: If you were a student at Mathnasium, what reward would you want to earn?

Instructor Answer: Mathnasium of Cherry Creek has a Nintendo Switch in the rewards cabinet and many students have been talking about it, wanting it, and trying to save up for it. Their productivity and success has increased as a result!

Q: What are you working toward right now?

Student Answer: I love the mystery bags which only cost one card but I also like the squishmallows and I save my cards for that. There is a Nintendo Switch which I want to work up for!

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