Q: What was your favorite math-success memory of 2023?
A: Blaise came to us almost a year ago as a second grader behind in his Math. He started out on the 1st grade material and immediately zoomed through it, filling his learning gaps. He achieved a 30% increase in his assessment scores in less than 2 months! He is now on 3rd grade material, right where he needs to be! He was awarded with Student of the Month for his achievements!
Q: Tell us about a student who really worked hard in 2023
A: Livi started with us in October 2022 as a 4th grade student who was at grade level. She quickly filled her few learning gaps and immediately advanced onto 5th grade level. Over the year, she successfully made it through the 5th & 6th grade level, and is currently working on 7th grade material as a 5th grade student. Her success and confidence levels have grown considerably over the year as she continues to push through the material.
Q: What have you noticed about your student’s math ability this year?
A: Most of our students have grown by at least one grade level (some two or more!) during this past year. As a result, their standardized state test scores have jumped considerably. They have gained confidence in Math by seeing the success they are achieving, and are learning to love Math instead of hate it.