Summer Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month

Apr 10, 2019 | Diamond Bar
We don't want to stress you out, but Spring is here and Summer will be here before you know it. Do you know which summer camps or programs your kids will be participating in? It may seem early, but when it comes to summer, planning ahead is essential, especially if you want to avoid the summer learning loss that can happen when kids have 2 months off from school. Next time you're at the center, ask how Mathnasium can help your student avoid the "summer slide" this year.
Did you know that April is Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month? In 1986 President Ronald Reagan spoke of the importance of math in our burgeoning technical economy, and proclaimed the week of April 14 through April 20 to be “National Mathematics Awareness Week" (which is coming up next week).
The need for awareness of the importance of math in our lives and economy is so great that since it was first proclaimed in 1986, the Mathematics Awareness Week has been expanded to the entire month of April, and been renamed as Mathematics And Statistics Awareness Month.
In honor of Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month, click here to see the blog post and print the monthly activities for your family.
We wish you all the best this April and look forward to seeing you in the center!