Eden Prairie Blog


Apr 5, 2018 | Eden Prairie Blog

  What is STEM? It is simply an acronym for Science – Technology – Engineering – Mathematics.   Why is STEM important? STEM careers in the US are growing twice as fast as other profes..


Apr 5, 2018 | Eden Prairie Blog

Why do kids fear and struggle with fractions? Many kids fear fractions because they don’t understand how they work – they mix up the parts and don’t understand what they mean and what we do to them. Parents typically understand..


Apr 4, 2018 | Eden Prairie Blog

  Math might not be as fun as art or sports, or as cool as robotics and science, but it’s still pretty awesome!  Students need to stop thinking of math as something that they will only use in the classroom. Math is used everywhere in life, from ..


Apr 4, 2018 | Eden Prairie Blog

Why do kids struggle with Algebra? We’ve asked algebra teachers what skills they wish their students were better at coming into Algebra class? Their answers were always the same 3 skills: Multiplication facts, Fractions, and Integer..

Word Problem Wednesday - Running Time!

Jun 21, 2017 | Eden Prairie Blog

  Put on your running shoes and your thinking caps mathletes, because this week’s word problem is a real mental workout! But wait, don’t run away! Use your everyday math skills to figure out this challenge, and remember to take you..

Word Problem Wednesday - GOLF!

Jun 14, 2017 | Eden Prairie Blog

  FOUR!    Wait a second, we don’t mean 4, we mean…   FORE!!   Heads-up Mathletes, it’s time to tee-off on this week’s word problem. The topic this week is golf, but you don’t have to be..

Word Problem Wednesday - Patterns

Jun 7, 2017 | Eden Prairie Blog

Get ready math fans, it’s time to PLAY BALL! This week’s word problem is all about PATTERNS. Patterns are one of the most common and interesting forms of everyday math. Can you think of some examples of patterns in your life? Here’s a hi..

My Colorful Summer Math Activity

Jun 1, 2017 | Eden Prairie Blog

  Summer vibes are in the air, and we're celebrating all the vibrant colors that come with sunny days! Grab your favorite coloring supplies (and your math skills!) and let's start coloring. First, select the My Colorful Summer activity packet below ..

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