Surprising Careers That Rely on Math!

Feb 4, 2022 | South Friendswood

People usually choose their careers based on their aptitudes. For example, someone who loves math might pursue an engineering degree or someone who has an affinity toward writing might become a journalist. People also use their aptitudes and weaknesses to decide what types of careers to avoid.  

In this blog, let's examine some career fields that use math surprisingly regularly. 


Musicians are artists, which makes it hard to believe that the career would be very math-oriented. However, music is full of all kinds of math! So, if your child claims to not like math, but enjoys making music, show them that there are musicians who are actually accomplished mathematicians. Numbers surprisingly dominate much of music’s conventions: counting, rhythm, symbols, tone, and pitch are all examples of math.  


Lawyers have been known to proudly proclaim, “I went to law school because I hate math.” People think that because the practice of law heavily relies on reading and writing skills, math isn’t involved at all. On the contrary! Much of legal practice relies on logic. And logic is math. Mathematics uses proofs to describe the logic underpinning the operations. In the same way, lawyers move through proving their cases one step at a time. In addition to the theoretical reasons that lawyers need math, they also have to be financially savvy to operate a legal practice.  

Surprising Careers That Rely on Math! 

People usually choose their careers based on their aptitudes. For example, someone who loves math might pursue an engineering degree or someone who has an affinity toward writing might become a journalist. People also use their aptitudes and weaknesses to decide what types of careers to avoid.  

In this blog, let's examine some career fields that use math surprisingly regularly. 


Musicians are artists, which makes it hard to believe that the career would be very math-oriented. However, music is full of all kinds of math! So, if your child claims to not like math, but enjoys making music, show them that there are musicians who are actually accomplished mathematicians. Numbers surprisingly dominate much of music’s conventions: counting, rhythm, symbols, tone, and pitch are all examples of math.  


Lawyers have been known to proudly proclaim, “I went to law school because I hate math.” People think that because the practice of law heavily relies on reading and writing skills, math isn’t involved at all. On the contrary! Much of legal practice relies on logic. And logic is math. Mathematics uses proofs to describe the logic underpinning the operations. In the same way, lawyers move through proving their cases one step at a time. In addition to the theoretical reasons that lawyers need math, they also have to be financially savvy to operate a legal practice.  


Once again, another artsy career that seems like its principles would be the opposite of anything requiring math. Photography, however, depends on the formulation of a “perfect recipe” of camera settings. A photographer must be skilled in selecting shutter speed, film speed, aperture, focal length, and exposure, and in the correct combination. Lens selection is imperative for a great photograph. Further, photographers use the “rule of thirds” for the composition of a photo to create an image pleasing to the eye.  


Political science may seem heavily dependent on verbal skills, but it isn’t all speeches and persuasion. Political scientists could work for the federal government, lobbying groups, higher education, or labor organizations. They may use math by using statistics to predict the behavior of an electorate. They analyze the measurable (math!) impact of governmental policy in some situations. Then they report their findings. Politics involves metrics of all kinds, and math whizzes thrive as political scientists. 


There is a wide range of sports careers. Someone with a career in sports could be a sports announcer, an athlete, or many other things. Virtually all of these careers in sports depend on math! Sports announcers must perform math operations on the fly, dissecting statistics and probability when necessary (which is often!) Athletes may seem like most of their lives focused on physical abilities, but mental toughness and a strategic mind can be just as important. Math can help a basketball player figure out an angle for a bank shot. It can help a baseball player time their swing. Athletes in all sports track progress using math, and elite athletes use it to give themselves a strategic advantage over the competition.  

Despite math being so widespread, many still believe that there are career fields that don’t require math skills. If you have a child that is convinced they’ll never need mathematics in the career path they’ve chosen, chances are that they are probably mistaken! Math can be found in the most surprising of places. At Mathnasium of Friendswood, we excel at meeting your child where they are in their mathematical abilities and according to their goals! Call us at 832-569-5073 or email us today to see if our programs are right for your child!


Once again, another artsy career that seems like its principles would be the opposite of anything requiring math. Photography, however, depends on the formulation of a “perfect recipe” of camera settings. A photographer must be skilled in selecting shutter speed, film speed, aperture, focal length, and exposure, and in the correct combination. Lens selection is imperative for a great photograph. Further, photographers use the “rule of thirds” for the composition of a photo to create an image pleasing to the eye.  


Political science may seem heavily dependent on verbal skills, but it isn’t all speeches and persuasion. Political scientists could work for the federal government, lobbying groups, higher education, or labor organizations. They may use math by using statistics to predict the behavior of an electorate. They analyze the measurable (math!) impact of governmental policy in some situations. Then they report their findings. Politics involves metrics of all kinds, and math whizzes thrive as political scientists. 


There is a wide range of sports careers. Someone with a career in sports could be a sports announcer, an athlete, or many other things. Virtually all of these careers in sports depend on math! Sports announcers must perform math operations on the fly, dissecting statistics and probability when necessary (which is often!) Athletes may seem like most of their lives focused on physical abilities, but mental toughness and a strategic mind can be just as important. Math can help a basketball player figure out an angle for a bank shot. It can help a baseball player time their swing. Athletes in all sports track progress using math, and elite athletes use it to give themselves a strategic advantage over the competition.  

Despite math being so widespread, many still believe that there are career fields that don’t require math skills. If you have a child that is convinced they’ll never need mathematics in the career path they’ve chosen, chances are that they are probably mistaken! Math can be found in the most surprising of places. At Mathnasium of Friendswood, we excel at meeting your child where they are in their mathematical abilities and according to their goals! Call us at 832-569-5073 or email us today to see if our programs are right for your child!