Money Matters

Oct 7, 2020 | Hinsdale

These days, it's very important that we all pay attention. And with the holidays creeping ever nearer, we all need to make sure that we have enough in our piggy banks to give a little something to our friends and loved ones. So let's get down to business and learn the true value of a dollar (and a half dollar, a quarter, a dime, a nickle, and a penny, too!)

First, what do these coins look like?

Coins Cheap Chart (Cheap Charts): School Specialty Publishing:  9780768233780: Books

It's good to know what your money looks like, front and back! If you're ever stumped, each coin has its name and value printed on it!

So what kind of bills are there?

Communication Design Fundamentals Fall 2019: Assignment #1 | by Emily Wang  | Medium

This might be the first time you're seeing a two dollar bill. They're really cool!

You can also check the numbers in the corners of the bill to see what their value is.

Happy saving!