Unfiltered: Real Parents’ Thoughts About Mathnasium of Little Rock

Jun 15, 2024 | Little Rock

Q: What was your initial impression of Mathnasium?

A: It was the place where I had confidence that they would get what they needed to learn.

Q: How has Mathnasium changed your child’s experience with math?

A: They have been much more engaged with math and other things as well. Even their teacher has made comments on how much more engaged and focused they are now.

Q: Has anything surprised you about Mathnasium?

A: I was surprised by the dedication and enthusiasm of all the employees. I expected them to know the math and teach it well, but they also really care about what they do!

Q: What is your favorite result from Mathnasium?

A: The kids love math a lot more now. One even makes math tests for everyone in the house and grades them on their own!

We'd like your students to experience these results in Mathnasium too. Visit our website for more information today!