Early school closures, summer learning loss, and distance learning are a few things that have affected the way students learn and retain math this school year.
Students could fall behind or lose up to a full year in math in 2020-21, compared to what they would learn in a typical year, according to three studies based on Northwest Evaluation Association’s data.
Students need math help more now than ever. After enrolling in Mathnasium, 94% of parents report an improvement in their child’s math skills and understanding, according to a Mathnasium survey.
Why is math the most affected subject?
If your child is enrolled in distance learning, it may be harder for teachers to effectively engage in math instruction.
If your child doesn't get a chance to master a skill – there is no time to give the necessary time and attention that they need. Teachers must move quickly to stay “on schedule." As a result, many kids fall behind in math.
Some schools are increasingly dependent on families to facilitate instruction, according to Douglas Harris of the Education Research Alliance for New Orleans, in a study of district reopenings during the pandemic. However, this can be difficult for some families.
“Unlike reading, math is almost always formally learned at school. Parents are often less well-equipped to help their children with math, at a time when parent support can be even more crucial to student progress,” EdWeek wrote in a Special Report.
Studies have suggested families may be less likely to engage in math activities due to math anxiety and new instructional methods for teaching Common Core State Standards that differ from how parents themselves learned math, EdWeek wrote.
Parents can prepare their child for the new year by assessing their child’s progress in math.
Some questions you should ask yourself are: How was their report card? Are they falling behind? How is homework time at home? How is their overall confidence in math?
Mathnasium’s complementary math assessment helps parents answer these questions.
During your first visit, highly trained Mathnasium staff can provide you with your child's current math placement and help you formulate a learning plan that fits your student's needs and schedules.
Mathnasium understands there are gaps in student’s instruction due to the COVID Slide and fills them in with personalized learning plans and face-to-face instruction. No child has the same plan, regardless of age, grade level, or school.
Whether you’re in-center or online, Mathnasium teaches math in a way that makes sense to each child so they are able to tackle harder math concepts in their classroom, at home, and well into the future.
This level of understanding allows each child to build math confidence that will carry them into the new year, and beyond.
“It's pretty easy to forget things you memorize and near impossible to forget things you understand,” Larry Martinek, creator of the Mathnasium Method™, said.