Summer with Mathnasium

Summer at Mathnasium keeps math skills strong.

The expression "use it or lose it" applies to math knowledge, too. On average, students lose 2.6 months of what they've learned in math class over summer break. Summer at Mathnasium is the answer.

Need Help?

Unlock your child's potential this summer with our engaging and effective programs. Want to learn more about our summer programs? Scroll below for details or give us a call today.

Summer Calendar

More than Just Math!
Our summer program is designed to spark a love for math, strengthen foundational skills, and prepare students for success in the upcoming school year and beyond. With our expert instructors and personalized approach, your child will embark on a journey of mathematical discovery and growth.Whether your child is looking to catch up, get ahead, or simply deepen their understanding of mathematical concepts, we have the resources and expertise to help them succeed.
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Summer is a GREAT time to join Mathnasium!  Imagine your son or daughter FEELING CONFIDENT in math when school kicks off in August.  Without the stress of other subjects and after school activites - summer is a wonderful time to catch up and even get ahead!  

While we cater to every student from 2nd through 12th grade, mastering basic Number Facts is critical at every level. If your child is struggling to add, subtract, multiply, or even divide . . . . Mathnasium can help!

Number Facts are a common struggle for many students, posing serious challenges in later grades. If your son or daughter is building on a weak foundation, future skills can feel IMPOSSIBLE! Mathnasium's Numerical Fluency program is designed to address this challenge, giving every child the skills they need to add Up To and Over 10 without using their fingers.

Mathnasium has helped countless families smash through this obstacle!  Check out the success story from one of our local students!  Hunter's math journey changed dramatically after he mastered his Number Facts at one of our Mathnasiums!

GETTING STARTED is EASY - call us today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to common questions to resolve basic outstanding concerns without speaking to someone.

  • My neighbor's kids come to Mathnasium - she told me she doesn't have to schedule her visits, she just drops them off when you are open?

    CORRECT! All of our Mathnasium enrollments - are drop in, no need to tell us when you're coming! You just drop off when we're open and we'll be ready for you! The only thing that needs to be scheduled is the INITIAL assessment!

  • I have a son who is in 9th grade - but he is really behind, can you still help?

    ABSOLUTELY! The first step is to sit down with your son & have him do our Assessment. Our Assessments are very thorough & personalized, we don't just toss a test in front of them. We will talk problems through with him & see how he thinks!

  • What happens after the Assessment?

    After the Assessment, we build a learning plan SPECIFIC to your son or daughter's needs! We'll sit down with you for a Parent Conference and show you our plan and then the learning begins!

Changing lives through math

Learn how Mathnasium helped Jason get into a competitive summer program.
arrow Our Student Story

Our Method Gets Results

The proven Mathnasium Method™ builds the foundation for math mastery through deep understanding.

  • Individual Assessment
  • Customized Learning Plan
  • Face to Face Instruction
  • Proprietary Curriculum


of parents report an improvement in their child’s math skills and understanding



of parents report improved attitude toward math after attending Mathnasium



of students saw an improvement in their school grades

Make the Most of Summer, and Be Prepared for Fall

Mathnasium helps students:
  • Retain their math knowledge
  • Gain an advantage for the coming school year
  • Apply math in fun and engaging ways