How to Beat the Summer Slide

May 20, 2024 | Park Slope

Did you know that children typically lose 2-3 months of math skills over the summer months? It’s called the summer slide, and it’s a concern for several reasons. Not only will a child return to school unprepared to learn new material, but the loss can be cumulative over the years, which can lead to lower school performance and a decline in confidence. The good news is that kids who keep up their math skills over the break can beat the summer slide and feel ready for what’s to come in the fall.

Enrolling your child in a summer math program is an excellent way to do this. A good one will reinforce their math knowledge from the previous year and introduce new concepts as your child progresses. And because it’s summer, they’ll be less tired and better able to focus without the distraction of other classes and school activities.

Summer at Mathnasium is ideal as it offers personalized, face-to-face instruction taught by highly trained math tutors in a fun and engaging environment. Each child receives a customized learning plan based on a comprehensive assessment that will pinpoint their strengths, their areas for improvement and any gaps in their learning that need to be addressed before being faced with new material in the fall.

Mathnasium’s summer program is convenient for parents and families, as it’s available both in-center and online and can be scheduled around summer camp, sports, and vacations. And it’s a fun and engaging activity all on its own! Math-focused games and activities are incorporated into the learning in a lively and supportive atmosphere for a truly enjoyable summer experience. Each child is taught the way they learn best, so they’re able to develop a love for math and achieve their goals. And because they’re having fun, they’re likely to have gained a new level of enthusiasm for the subject and be more eager to apply themselves when school begins.

Mathnasium is also a great place for students who already excel at math to reach even higher levels during the summer. Instructors are trained to move them forward at an accelerated pace, so they’ll enjoy challenges that they might not find in the classroom. It’s a wonderful opportunity to explore new avenues where math can take them, and for them to progress toward their maximum potential.

You can also reinforce your child’s math knowledge at home and while you’re out enjoying your favorite summer activities together. Encouraging your child to read books that weave in math concepts while igniting your child’s imagination is one way to do this. Taking a trip to a science museum, keeping stats at a sporting event, and creating a budget for money they’ve earned are some other great ways to make math part of your daily lives and enhance critical thinking math skills.

To enroll your child in a summer program at Mathnasium, call or visit your local learning center today!