Dear Families,
At Mathnasium, the well-being of our families is always our first priority. We also understand how important this time of the school year is for our students and how they need us now more than ever. With that in mind, we wanted to share with you our current in-center procedures, as well as our Mathnasium@Home option.
We are diligently working to keep our center the safest place for your children. We are emphasizing hygiene standards for all students and staff and reinforcing the importance of :
✅ Proper hand washing after sneezing, coughing or using the bathroom.
✅ Disinfecting all areas and surfaces used after student sessions.
✅ Making hand sanitizer available and encouraging its use.
✅ Spacing students so that they are not in close contact.
For any students exhibiting signs of a cold or the flu, we will be asking parents/guardians to take them home. If your child has symptoms, please wait until they have subsided before coming back to the center. Feel free to call us at 713-937-6284 or email with any concerns or questions.
We also understand some families may still feel uncomfortable visiting the center. Did you know we offer an online option called Mathnasium@Home? Please watch the 30 second video above to learn more. Some key highlights are:
✅ LIVE, face-to-face math instruction with the same instructors
✅ Learning from the comfort of your own home
✅ Same customized learning plans
✅ Flexible scheduling
✅ Safe and secure, with no additional costs
✅ Students can transition back to in-center scheduling at any time
If you want to learn about how your child can begin using our Mathnasium@Home program, please email or call us at 713-937-6284 and we can get them transitioned to begin right away.
We will continue to monitor the actions of our schools in our area to make decisions on a daily basis that are right for our community.
Sincerely, Mathnasium of Sienna Plantation Team