Mathnasium of South Elgin's Top 5 Moments!

Apr 22, 2023 | South Elgin

1. Our favorite “aha!” moment with a student.

A: We had a student who just started fractions for the first time recently, and they had a tough time with understanding where the numbers come from (like 1/4 for example). When we drew a picture for them to show 1 out of 4 parts, it immediately clicked for them, and they were off to the races and finished the page entirely on their own!

2. A time when a student earned a reward.

A: We have a student who is really big into music, and plays for their school band and was saving up his punch cards for a record player. After a lot of hard work, number of the day sheets for extra punches, and a bunch of mastery checks, he was able to save up enough cards to get it!

3. Positive parent experience.

A: Recently, I was discussing student progress with their parent, as they had just completed a post assessment. They had showed phenomenal improvement on their scores with us here at the center, and the parent let me know that their grade in math has improved quite a lot as well. She had told me that their student has been able to get all their homework done and has been feeling confident with it all. Made me very happy to hear!

4. Favorite ways to teach concepts.

A: I really like to draw pictures to help reason through questions, especially if it deals with halves, fractions, wholes & parts etc. For me, I'm very much a visual learner and a lot of our students are, too. Often times, a student may have some difficulty imagining the numbers or parts in their head, and so drawing a picture really helps keep track of it all, and makes the math make sense.

5. A time when a student scored well on a test.

A: A new student of ours who just started a couple of months ago had been struggling with their homework, as well as, their tests and quizzes. After discussing with his teacher about the best way to help him succeed, we determined a plan of action for some extra homework help, and he was able to get a perfect score on his next quiz!