Our Favorite Success Stories in Mathnasium of Union City

Aug 15, 2023 | Union City

We love hearing about the success stories in our center. Visit our website for more information today.

Q: What has become easier for you since you started coming to Mathnasium?

A: "Multiplication had always been difficult for me. I recently completed multiplication and division fact fluency plan at Mathnasium and I feel more confident now" - AJ

Q: What is your favorite Mathnasium Memory?

A: "My favorite memory is getting ice cream gift card for a Mathnasium challenge I did" - EL

Q: What has been your favorite lesson at Mathnasium?

A: "I like finding half of numbers." - CA

Q: Do you feel different at math class since you’ve been coming to Mathnasium?

A: "Yes, I feel more confident now. Earlier, I was always scared to submit any test or homework at school but now, I am always excited to do that." - WB

Q: What is the greatest benefit you see in your child after enrolling them at Mathnasium?

A: "They used to hate math. In fact, they didn’t want to join a learning center. Now, they will insist that they want to attend more Mathnasium sessions. Such a pleasant surprise!"

We'd love to see how we can help your student become a Math Success Story too!