Temporary Center Closure

Mar 21, 2020 | Santee


Dear Mathnasium Parents,
In light of the recent information provided to us by the federal government,
the California Governor, the Mayor of San Diego City and the CDC, we
have made the decision to suspend our in-center instruction. This shall
take effect today, March 17th. All appointments booked until the end of the
month are cancelled. We are closed indefinitely due to Governor
Newsom's order.
In the interim, corporate Mathnasium is trying to get things ready so we can
continue working with students via Mathnasium@home. This was set to launch
in the fall, but given the school closures and social distancing, they are trying
to start this as soon as possible. So please bear with us as there will be
hiccups and learning curves. Under development with thousands of students
over 3 years, this new platform brings the same Mathnasium Method from our
centers to students at home through an internet-connected computer.
You can learn more at mathnasium.com/at-home/Santee
We are planning to start our @home instructions beginning 3/23/2020. Please
let us know if you are interested and we will help you or send you a link to start
scheduling your appointment this Sunday (hopefully). In order to use this digital
learning, you need a computer that has a speaker and a camera to interact
with our instructors.

We will be monitoring the COVID-19 situation closely to evaluate whether in-
center instruction will re-open in April. .

Rest assured that we will continue to provide you with regular updates through
emails and posts to our Facebook page as this situation evolves. Please reach
out to our center at any time if you have any concerns that we can address.

Claudine Tsui and Yen Le, Center Directors