Problem of the week Aug 27

Aug 28, 2018 | Westford Chelmsford

robotLower Elementary:

Question:A protocol droid and a utility droid are both trying to reach an escape pod so that they can get away from an evil imperial spacecraft. The protocol droid walks at a speed of 2 mph. The utility droid rolls at a speed of 5 mph. If they start from the same place, then which one will reach the escape pod first? How can you tell?



boardUpper Elementary:

Question:Dejarik is a game played on a circular board. The game is for 2 players, and each player starts the game with 4 game pieces on the board. Each game piece takes up a single space on the board, which has 25 spaces in total. What percentage of the spaces are occupied if both players have all their game pieces in play?



a-cartoon-moon-rocket-thMiddle School:

QuestionA smuggler’s starship navigates a shortcut through space to make the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs. The usual Kessel Run smuggling route is 18 parsecs. If a parsec is 3.26 light-years and a light-year is 5.88 trillion miles, then by how many trillions of miles does the smuggler shorten the Kessel Run? Round your answer to the nearest trillion miles. 



lightsaberAlgebra and Up:

Question:A Space knight swings her laser sword in a full circle around her body. The laser sword’s energy blade is 3 feet in length. The Space knight holds the laser sword so that the blade emits from the hilt 4 feet from the center of the circle. Find the area in which the laser sword’s blade slices through the air.