Insights from a Mathnasium of Greenville Downtown Instructor

May 24, 2023 | Greenville Downtown

1. What is the most common thing you see in new students coming to Mathnasium for the first time?

A: Most students I meet lack confidence in their math skills and have a mindset of thinking they will never understand math. Other students I meet love math and want to continue being challenged.

2. If there was one thing you could tell parents before they bring their student to Mathnasium what would it be?

A: Some parents worry about the assessment as they know their child is worried about it. I would say to them that the assessment is not like a school test. There is no failing it, it's a diagnostic for us to see what the students know and where their foundational gaps lie.

3. What things do the most successful students have in common?

A: The most successful students in our program are consistently attending, determined to learn, and stay motivated by working towards earning rewards from the prize cabinet.

4. What are some of the ways you teach math to your students?

A: At Mathnasium, we use a variety of techniques to teach math to our students. From playing math facts card games, manipulatives like blocks of tens and ones, fraction pieces, drawing out examples on whiteboards, to implementing real life scenarios.

5. What do you think is the coolest thing about Mathnasium?

A: The coolest thing about Mathnasium is seeing students feel accomplished and confident in their skills as they learn new things and catch up on prior topics they once did not understand. When they reach the aha-moment, you can vividly see it in their expression!