Mathnasium @Home Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Aug 1, 2021 | East Appleton

Following is a Q&A collection for parents and guardians that explains details on Mathnasium @Home instruction, the virtual platform for learning Math in a way that makes sense to students.

What is Mathnasium @Home?

Mathnasium @Home is a tutoring tool that gives us the power to provide real-time, face-to-face Math instruction with students via a virtual collaboration platform. The Learning Experience is strikingly similar to how they would study normally at our Center.

You can see an example of how Mathnasium @Home works at this LINK.  

How do I launch Mathnasium @Home for the East Appleton Platform?
Our enrolled students can enter into the classroom at the time of their appointment by following this LINK. Please save this URL in your favorites for future sessions.

What systems are supported for Mathnasium @Home?
Any laptop or desktop with Windows, Chromebook or Mac operating systems with internet access can be used. iPads and other tablets can also be used; check with us if you would like for us to test your equipment with you.

What browsers can be used for Mathnasium @Home?
The platform used to connect is ConexED, which will work with most browsers. 

Do we need any other equipment?
Not mandatory, but we may recommend the following for an enhanced online learning experience for your child

  • Headset and Webcam - In order to reduce distraction, we recommend students using any basic headphones with a microphone. Webcam, if not built-in, is recommended. These will help them to interact with instructors in a holistic manner while working on their math Learning Plan and homework.
  • Digital Draw Board or Optical Pen Mouse - Students may use touchscreens, standard mouses, or their keyboards for showing their work, however, some students may prefer using a WACOM board or Optical Pen Mouse to have an experience closer to writing on paper. 

Do students work on the same curriculum in Mathnasium @Home as we do at our center?

Yes, students will work on the same prescriptive (PKs), Workout Books, and Focus-ons from the comfort of home. They will work with instructors in real-time in the same way they work at our center.

How will students get help with Homework and Test Preparations?

Homework (scanned, PDF, picture, etc.) can be emailed to [email protected] prior to the student's @Home session and we will bring it on to the screen where the student will work on it with the instructors, similar to how they would work at our center. They can also upload it or share their screen in their breakout room during their session with our instructors.

How will students get the instructor's attention while working via Mathnasium @Home?

The instructor will be working with only a few students during the session, just like in the center, and when they are working with a student in another room, your student will be able to see the instructor and "raise their virtual hand' if they need immediate assistance.  

How do we schedule Mathnasium@Home?

Sessions for enrolled Mathnasium of East Appleton students can be scheduled HERE.