Children who are just surviving in math often look for excuses to avoid math. Any excuse will do! Struggling to survive in math stresses kids out. They conveniently need to use the restroom during math class. They may “forget” to do their math homework. If that sounds like your child, consider the possibility that your child may act like that due to a lack of confidence in math. Thriving in math is fun and exciting, not stressful.
The story of “Logan” is based on the stories of many of our summer students at Mathnasium. Logan’s teacher and parents thought his apathetic attitude and avoidance were causing him to get high Ds and low Cs in math. He begrudgingly agreed to come to Mathnasium last summer because his dad wanted him to get better grades. His parents were pleasantly surprised to notice the more his skills improved, his attitude also improved. After three weeks of regular attendance, he actually seemed to enjoy coming to the center They discovered his weak math skills had been hampering his motivation, not the other way around.
Then school started and Logan joined the football team. He stopped making the effort to attend Mathnasium regularly. He, and his parents, figured he would get better grades in math this year because he had a good math teacher, some new skills, and more motivation.
For the first month of school, he worked hard in math, did his homework nightly without struggling, and participated in class. Then in October, he started falling back into old habits. He got a "C" on his first unit test. His mom asked him what was going on and he shrugged and mumbled “math got hard again.”
Unfortunately, this sometimes happens to our summer students who quit attending regularly once school starts. They gained enough confidence and skills during the summer to start the year off well, but quit before they fully transitioned from “surviving math” into “thriving in math.”
Thriving in math usually takes more than a four to six week program. The more challenges a student has in math, the more intense and the longer the intervention will need to be. If you want to know where your child is in math, call us 303-840-1184! We'd love to schedule a complimentary, no obligation math skills assessment and discuss the results with you! We're math experts with years of experience! Teaching math is all we do!
Math gaps don't go away unless they are specifically and intentionally addressed!

Call us at (303) 840-1184 and Let's Get Started!
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