Push Beyond the Plateau for Math Success

Dec 16, 2017 | Parker

Ask us what we love about working with families and math and you will get a long list. We are passionate about helping kids be successful in math.

Ask us about a frustrating part of our job and we will likely say, “Too many children leave before they get the full benefit of the Mathnasium program. The kids work hard, improve quickly, and then hit a plateau. The plateau is normal, but the child must learn to work through it.”

If you have ever tried to lose weight, you will be familiar with the idea of a plateau. Often the last few pounds are the hardest to lose. That’s why people set a “goal weight” when they begin a weight loss regime. Long distance runners and bicyclists hit training plateaus, too.

It is tempting to quit coming to Mathnasium during this plateau, but please come talk with us first. The biggest problem with quitting too soon is that although students may have improved dramatically in their confidence, their skills, and probably their math grades, will often still fall short of reaching mastery. Setting goals helps prevent premature quitting.

Often children come to Mathnasium to improve their grades. These are the children that are prone to quitting too soon. Getting good grades is great, but it doesn’t always mean the student is at the level of mastery yet.

Concerned about the Money? Consider this.

If all your child's foundational gaps are not addressed, they will struggle again in Algebra, or higher math. Elementary school and middle school math is about learning the foundations of math, how to do arithmetic, and learning good study skills. The earlier they get a math intervention the better (and cheaper) it is.

Attending Mathnasium as a high schooler is more expensive than attending as an elementary student or middle schooler, but it is still better than never getting the help they need. It is never too late! High school grades are important for college admission and college scholarships. Likewise, a student's score on the ACT or SAT tests influence scholarships and school choices.

College remediation is an expensive path to get math help but it is still better than giving up on math. Studies show that students who take math in college typically earn higher paychecks than those who don’t.

So When is the Right Time to Move on from Mathnasium?

We would love to see every student love math so much that they come to our center for the sheer joy of it.  Some of our students attend when they are above grade level so they can keep working on math at a deeper level than they do at school. They find the friendly atmosphere at the center motivates them in a way they never thought possible.

Some children aren’t quite that enthusiastic about math. These students should attend Mathnasium until they have finished their learning plan(s) and achieved a level of mastery for their grade level. If they are more than a year behind grade level they will need to complete several learning plans. This will probably be quite a while after they have improved their confidence and their math grades, and typically won't be until they have moved beyond the plateau.

Our frequent assessments, daily tracker and monthly progress reports will keep you informed of your child’s progress. Remember, we love talking to parents. Feel free to ask us anything about your child, their progress and their math goals. 303-840-1184

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