Calling all busy parents!!
- We know you are driving kids to practice, attending games, competitions, and performances.
- We know you are scheduling after school activities, play-dates, birthdays and vacations.
- AND we know how to help you out.....
Mathnasium of Parker offers sibling tutoring. When your child comes to Mathnasium of Parker, they will be taught in a small group setting with a specially trained Mathnasium-Method instructor. The instructor gives one-on-one help and allows time for critical independant thinking and practice. You, as a parent, can schedule multiple children at the same time.
(Mom & dad of this sibling student pair knock out two birds with one stone at Mathnasium:) )

Convenience for the win!!
And, about that busy schedule you have....Mathnasium of Parker also offers after-school and weekend hours (now that's accomodating).
Have children with different math needs? One child may excel in math while the other needs help..... No problem! Our instructors can customized math help for EVERY math level, even when your children are scheduled at the same time.
Check out what these parents have to say about multiple kids enrolled at Mathnasium:
"My kids gained so much confidence in math, GREAT instructors" -F.Z.
"My kids have learned so much at Mathnasium! They BOTH ask to go often. It's really helped build (their) confidence in math" -B. V.
"(The) teachers are very patient and scheduling is flexible." -K. H.
Book an appointment for one or more of your children today, and start seeing results like this:
94% of parents report an improvement in their child’s math skills and understanding
93% of parents report improved attitude toward math after attending Mathnasium
90% of students saw improvement in their school grades