Why Mathnasium?

Sep 13, 2016 | Parker

Competence in mathematics is increasingly important in many professions. Many of the most lucrative careers require skill in mathematics. In a nontechnological society, a child's math problem will not limit his success, just as in an illiterate society, a child's inability to read or write will not restrict her development. And while it is true that people can succeed without achieving advanced competency in math, a deficiency in certain basic math skills is more limiting now than it once was. Today, nearly a third of all jobs are classified as technical; most require far more computing skills than many jobs of the past. In response to the demands of an increasingly competitive technological world, mathematics requirements have been strengthened in the schools.

It's important to remember that competence in mathematics draws on more than just the ability to calculate answers efficiently. It also encompasses problem solving, communicating about mathematical concepts, reasoning and establishing proof, and representing information in different forms. Making connections among these skills and concepts both in mathematics and in other subjects is something students are more frequently asked to do, both in the classroom setting, and later in the workplace.  See our article Is Your Child Math Ready for College.

The problem is many children are not achieving mastery in fundamental or foundational math skills at school. This creates gaps in their understanding they carry with them until someone takes the time and effort to identify and help them fill their gaps in understanding. Because math is so cumulative in nature, it is important to identify breakdowns as early as possible. Children are more likely to experience success in math when any in their mathematical understanding are dealt with promptly - before they lose confidence or develop a fear of math.

Unfortunately, many children who come to our center, have already lost confidence in their math ability. Some have even decided they HATE math (with capital letters). It is a shame, because nearly all young children show an interest in and a natural ability with math. They like counting blocks, flowers and other objects. They have a very natural sense that if they eat half a cookie there is only half left or if they see 6 eyes, there are three people in the room. At some point in their schooling, however, as many as 60% of students get confused or need to take a bit more time to grasp a specific concept but the classroom teacher has a mandate to move on. So the shy ones, the embarrassed ones, the confused ones, get left behind because they are afraid to ask questions, don’t know how to ask questions or are too young to even realize they need to ask questions and they develop a gap in their understanding that will stay with them all their lives unless it is addressed.

Fortunately, Mathnasium excels at identifying the gaps children have in their mathematical understanding and addressing them. Our founder, Larry Martinek, is a master math educator who developed our curriculum with exactly those children - the ones who have given up on math - in mind. We are not under the same time constraints as classroom teachers, nor do we face the same daunting odds of having to teach 24, 27, 30 or more children simultaneously. We do our best to maintain a 3:1 student to teacher ratio at our center. With regards to time, we have all the time we need to help a child achieve understanding plus we have a variety of tools and techniques at our disposal to ensure a child reaches mastery - that is until the concept makes sense to them!

We teach using 5 modalities that include visual, verbal, mental, tactile (hands on) and written so that we have the best odds of finding the right fit for each child’s learning style so they can have that light bulb or ah ha moment of understanding. Furthermore, our staff is dedicated to going the extra mile with each child and encouraging them not to give up! We help foster mental toughness which is critical. Kids, teachers, and sometimes parents, give up too easily. We won’t! We’ll keep working at a concept until it makes sense, because if we don’t, that mathematical gap will continue to haunt our students.

Call us today to schedule a no risk assessment to identify your child’s gaps and let us propose a completely individualized learning plan specifically designed for your child to address those gaps with no upfront cost to you!