Worried about the FAST?

Mar 20, 2023 | Westchase

Prepare for the Florida Assessment of Student Thinking using these Resources!

The Florida Assessment of Student Thinking (FAST) is a progress monitoring tool to determine if students have mastered the Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking (BEST) standards for their grade level.

Students and their families may be worried about this upcoming assessment due to it determining if students pass the third grade, or if they are "held back". In order to pass, students must score a level 2 or higher on the English Language Arts assessment. This may be confused with the need to score a level 3 or higher on the FSA for both reading and math, which is no longer necessary.

Start by reflecting on their last two FAST assessment scores, also known as PM1 and PM2. How did they do? Did they make improvements from the first to the second test?

If your child scored a 1 on the math FAST, or your child isn't making significant growth from PM1 to PM2, consider a complimentary math skills assessment at Mathnasium! We pinpoint your child's specific math needs and help them where they need it. Plus, we can prepare them for the FAST assessment with a paper-based practice test at their grade level as well as additional resources available online. Schedule a complimentary math skills assessment here to put your child on the right path for math success!


Looking for those paper-based assessments? You can find grades 3rd through 8th for Math here: https://flfast.org/resources/sample-test-materials/fast-mathematics-paper-based-sample-test-materials

Looking for the online version? Follow this link and log in as a guest to take the digital practice FAST assessment: https://flfast.org/families.html