Have you been considering enrolling your student at Mathnasium of Red Deer? Maybe you've heard that tutoring is worth the investment. A recent article from Education Week says,
"....tutoring is the original “personalized learning,” dating back centuries. .... it may be among the oldest pedagogies still in existence. And as it turns out, it is probably the single most powerful strategy for responding to learning loss."
Mathnasium of Red Deer is ready to enroll your student right away, but maybe you aren't so sure..... Maybe you'd rather get an in-depth look at Mathnasium before you sign up your student. If you'd like to check out Mathnasium risk-free, then read on!
Each Mathnasium is independently owned and operated, so you'll want to check with your local centre to see what is available. Perhaps you'll enjoy a free trial session, a free consultation, or a free assessment. All Mathnasium centres are eager to meet with potential students and parents to discuss scheduling, pricing, and give tours. Call your local Mathnasium .
Mathnasium of Red Deer has been serving families all over and getting great results. One parent said, "I am thrilled with the progress my son has made over the past 8 months. There have been several instructors at Mathnasium who have made a big impact on him as well. We are going into a new school year fully prepared. Thank you!" -J.M.
If you're ready to join our local Mathnasium family, sign up now !
Parents interested in our program can have their child take a free assessment; this assessment is a comprehensive, expert assessment which results are shared on the same day, pinpointing the child’s strengths and weaknesses. This way, students and their parents get useful diagnostic information on what math skills need to be worked on. This is something we do all the time, and would love to invite you to do the same.