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High School Conundrum- which math courses to take?
Megan Seier (our Centre Director) sat down with Mrs. Edith Arthur (senior maths teacher at Warman High) to talk high school math streams. This isn’t unusual for them - they’re family!
Mrs. Arthur says always talk with your school’s academic advisor about course selection, but here are some of her observations gleaned from over 30 years as a teacher.
The three math streams are: Workplace, Foundations, and Pre-Calculus. And here’s something you might not know… you can take more than one stream. Mrs. Arthur says that the students in her AP Calculus classes usually have taken both Foundations and Pre-Calc maths. They focus on different methods and topics, plus - if you take math every semester you won’t get rusty.
The other benefit: post-secondary institutions use your highest math mark in their calculations - why not give them two to choose from? She recommends taking Foundations 20, then PC 20.
Megan has made a little graphic summarizing their conversation, and is glad to say that whether it’s helping with homework 1-on-1 or providing review/prep material, Mathnasium is ready to help our high school students tackle their upcoming math quint. The new math system has brought about a lot of stress - we'll do our best to help.