Summer Math leads to September Confidence

Jul 10, 2021 | Saskatoon

Sound familiar?  Summer is an idyllic time full of sunshine and relaxation; contrasting sharply to the rigor of September, with last year's material a hazy memory not to be recalled. 
In education, we call that the "Summer Slide". With math, it's use-it or lose-it, and a break all summer long leads to measurable learning loss. 

I don't say this to scare you. I say this so you can fight it! 

We see dramatic results with students who do 2 or 3 one-hour math sessions each week over the summer. That leaves you with a ton of time to still enjoy the sunshine, all while boosting retention and confidence for fall! You can even do math online from the cabin if you choose our '@home' option. 

Book a free assessment here:
or call us for more information on how you can Catch Up, Keep Up, or Get Ahead