Q: What has become easier for you since you started coming to Mathnasium?
A: Arthur says that his speed and mental math has improved. He added that subjects like decimals, fractions, and exponents have become easier for him along with word problems.
Q: What is your favorite Mathnasium Memory?
A: Dani's favorite Mathnasium memory was winning a 100 dollar Amazon gift card from the red star list drawings.
Q: What has been your favorite lesson at Mathnasium?
A: Lily recalled learning the lesson "just because you're not good at something doesn't mean you can't get better at it" from Mac, which was her favorite Mathnasium lesson.
Q: Do you feel different at math class since you’ve been coming to Mathnasium?
A: Eli said that math class does feel different because it is easier and more enjoyable.
Q: What is the greatest benefit you see in your child after enrolling them at Mathnasium?
A: "The greatest benefit I see in my daughter since joining Mathnasium is an increase in her confidence! She's lightyears ahead of where she was before Mathnasium.