What is Mathnasium@home?
Mathnasium@home is an online learning tool that gives us the power to provide real-time face-to-face Math instruction with students via an online collaboration platform. The learning experience is strikingly similar to how they would study normally, at our Center.
Student Login https://learn.mathnasium.com/dashboard
How will Mathnasium@home be delivered to students?
All Mathnasium@home sessions will be delivered via our platform called VCP. VCP is equipped with end-to-end encryption and each session is password protected. Your student uses that password in center during their regular sessions in the center.
What systems are supported for Mathnasium@home?
Any laptop or desktop with Windows operating system or Mac with internet access can be used. Chrome is the best browser to use. Tablet such as iPad can also be used, with limited feature and annotation capabilities.
Do we need any other equipment?
Headphone, Mic and Webcam - In order to reduce distraction, we recommend students using any basic or noise cancelling headphone with mic. Webcam, if not built in, is recommended. These will help them to interact with instructors in a holistic manner while working on math problems.
Do students work same curriculum in Mathnasium@home as we do at our center?
Yes, students will work on same prescriptive(PKs), Work books, focus-on's, and standardized test preparation from the comfort of home. They will work with instructors in real time in the same way they work at our center.
How will student get instructors attention when needed while working online via Mathnasium@home?
While instructors will constantly be checking each student similar to how they do in center, if students need attention, there are multiple ways to seek that. They can us the chat feature. This will alert the instructors. Also, they are connected via head phones to explain things in detail.
Can students use Mathnasium@home along with learning at our center?
We recommend Mathnasium@home for any family where students will be away and not be able to join us in person at the center. This online platform will enable them to continue the learning process and stay on track on their math skills.
Can parents schedule siblings at the same time?
If there are multiple students per household, we recommend they do their hour sessions from 2 different computers/laptops/tablets. They could be scheduled at the same exact hour or different - depending on the students availability.
How do we schedule Mathnasium@home?
Use the Scheduling link for Appointy and select @home Elementary & Middle School or @home High School : https://mathnasium-booking.appointy.com/centercity
Should we be slightly more patient, as this tool is an online feature using video & audio and student gets acclimatized with this new tool?
Absolutely, YES! This is a great tool and we use this tool in the center for all our students. However, when a student is at home, there can be other features to use such as the microphone, bluetooth headphones, video on/off feature etc. Our student are used to
using this in the center. Students are directed to get started on their work if they are continuing from where they left off. If it's a new math concept, instructor will instruct verbally.
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