Making Mistakes in Math
Chloe, Instructor
Mistakes are crucial to becoming better at math. A student’s perseverance is most important when striving to master math skills and work towards a better overall understanding. As students gain confidence in their practice and strive to work to their full potential, they can start mastering a practice that works for them. Students could continue to practice all day long and their practice would still not be perfect if they are continuing to make the same mistakes. Mathnasium encourages students to develop patterns and tactics to stay consistent and solve problems until it is impossible that students don’t get the right answer; practicing can help students feel more familiar with their work and boost learners' confidence.
Mathnasium pushes students to try their best with the help of instructors, to learn new skills and how to practice consistency, as well as recognize patterns to help master skills. As students continue to learn skills that are more difficult to master, instructors help to the best of their ability to push students to reach their goals and help them master practicing to the point where they master each skill in the workout programs. A new 8th grade student at Mathnasium in Menomonee Falls said, “I’ve learned more in an hour today than I’ve learned in three weeks with my teacher!”
Mathnasium reminds students that although certain areas of math may be more challenging, mistakes allow them to work hard to achieve their goals and to grow in their math skills. As there are infinite possibilities of different math concepts, math may seem anything but impossible for some students, however, with perfect practice and perseverance anything is possible.