GCSE results day: what to do if your child misses the mark

Aug 16, 2024 | Belsize Park

Today’s the big day and emotions are running very high. We’ve got all our fingers and toes crossed for you and your family, but if things don’t go to plan, don’t despair. Here are our top tips to get you through what could be a highly stressful time and help your child move forward positively.

If a child hasn’t achieved the grade they were hoping for, it really isn’t too late to do something about it, but whatever you do, make sure you think ahead beyond the sixth form to university applications.

It might seem premature to discuss this now, but most universities take into consideration GCSE as well as A-level results so don’t let your child’s GCSE results negatively impact their options two years further down the line. GCSE qualifications really are the foundations of your child’s future study and possibly even employment beyond that. Whilst a basic standard might be a grade 4 or 5 in maths, other courses and professions will look for higher grades in maths.

If your child misses the mark today, here are our tips to help you get through the coming days, weeks and months.

Speak to your child’s teachers

If today brings tears and anguish, the first thing you should do is speak to your child’s teachers. They have plenty of experience of this and can offer advice on next steps whether it’s asking for a remark of the exam or coursework, appealing the grade, retaking the exams or even looking at other A-level courses or forms of higher education. Whilst it might be the first time you are experiencing the emotions of results day they have a wealth of experience to help guide you.

Ask for a remark of an exam, but this request must come from the school. They will be able to advise on outcomes from this (grades can go down as well as up) but don’t delay in getting in touch with your child’s school as the deadline for remarking requests is Thursday, 26th September 2024.

Contact the sixth form or college of choice; if your child’s place in sixth form is dependent on the mark, then they may let your child start studying with them whilst you await the results of the remark. If your child has missed their required grades but can legitimately claim extenuating circumstances, they may let them attend. Or they might let them start on the proviso that they resit the exams and achieve the grades required.

Look ahead to university

Even if your child achieves the grades required for their sixth form and A-level course of choice, you might not be able to rest easy just yet.

If their GCSE results are not high enough, they might be disappointed when it comes to getting a place at university. A grade 7 in Maths is a very respectable grade, but some universities require at least an 8  at GCSE for maths-related or competitive entry subjects.  Don’t let your child’s GCSE grades let them down later on – check on entry requirements for the type of courses they are interested in. Give them a chance to improve their grade by retaking the exams.

Resit the exams

If your child wants to get a higher grade, they can resit their GCSE exams. If they have not reached a grade 4 then they are required to do so. Resits for maths happen in November and May. Talk to your teachers for more advice on resitting exams and the support available at the sixth form or college.

This is where Mathnasium can help

You may have a child who needs to resit a grade, or you may have a child with GCSE exams next year or further into their future. Either way, now is the time to consider some additional help.  Mathnasium can support and guide students through their retakes or working towards their exams. We can help your child achieve top marks and make maths easier for them in the process.

We are a maths learning centre where dedicated instructors work with your child to help them understand numbers instinctively, helping maths to become second nature for them. Whether GCSEs are looming large or on the horizon, get in touch with your local Mathnasium learning centre and book a free assessment. The team will pinpoint where the gaps are in your child’s knowledge and create a bespoke programme for them, supplementing the teaching they get in school.

“The support of the Mathnasium team has been fundamental in transforming my child's confidence and performance in Maths, from a struggling Year 8 to a confident Year 11, ready to take his GCSE exams.” Parent, Mathnasium of Fulham

Our instructors will work closely with them to give them the extra boost they need. Mathnasium instructors love maths and we are confident that once your child completes their course with us, they will too.

 “Gave my daughter the confidence to take maths A-Level” Parent, Mathnasium of Whetstone

We wish you and your children all the very best on results day, but remember if it doesn’t go to plan, stay calm, and give us a call – we would love to help.